Below you'll find two sample Roman provinces: Italy focused on recruiting new troops and Magna Graecia generating high income. Legio II starts near Roma, and will be used to attack Vetathri Legio I will (force) march north into Italia in order to recruit some Hastati and make for Ariminum, before being used to tidy up any pesky Etruscans still in the area. Likewise, keeping Syracuse sweet with trade will prevent it from expanding in your direction, and Carthage will not be able to get its act together in time to seriously threaten the boot of Italy. Returning from Japan to Indonesia through Garuda Airline PCR SWAB Test Epirus will be too tied up in a war against Sparta (and 9/10 times Athens too) to take advantage of the relatively light forces guarding Magna Graecia.

In the mean time, all images are HTML thumbs- click to enlarge Before startingThe objective is to gain the rest of the province Italia within the first 5 turns or so, followed by working on Cisalpine Gaul in the medium term. Suara Mp3 Burung PempulukĮRROR_GETTING_IMAGES-1 Hp Compaq Windows 7 Pro Iso Download In the first case the expansion is very easy: you have to take care of feeding people (farms in Neapolis and Velathri - marked in green, settlement in Neapolis - orange) and public order (yellow school of gladiators being built in Rome). Imperator rome province guide, rome 2 province guide, rome 2 province building guide, rome 2 dei province building guide, rome 2 dei province guide Best Mac Finance App 2017

Also note that not every building can be built on capitals/minor cities 'Please note this is an unofficial video and is not endorsed by SEGA or the Creative Assembly in any way.