Fortunately, getting plentiful food is quite easy to do. Keeping yourself fed is a secondary concern in Hardcore mode, as you’ll need food less often than water. You should never have to seriously worry about dehydration. Fortunately there exists plenty of sources of clean water you can drink for free! In pretty much every casino in New Vegas (even the Atomic Wrangler in Freeside) has free water, as well as the troths at Goodsprings Source, and… well, the whole freaking Colorado River. This mitigates - but doesn’t eliminate - the need for water. If you have the Ultimate Edition installed, then you’ll start out with a Vault 13 Canteen, which you’ll automatically drink from occasionally. Water is a constant concern in Hardcore mode, as it’s the status that degrades the fastest. This will make the restorative effects of food and water more potent, as well as allowing you to make superior meals at campfires. Tag! it, and boost it to 80 as soon as possible. If you’re playing in Hardcore mode, an obvious move to make is to boost your Survival skill score. You can also check your levels via the Pip-Boy (right). When you are deficient, you’ll be notified by icons above your HP bar (left).

In Hardcore mode, not only do you have to keep an eye on your HP and RADs, but you’ll need to manage the necessities of life water (H2O), food (FOD) and sleep (SLP).